
Publié le par Domas

Ce week-end, et dès aujourd'hui, dédicaces à Marseille !

Cet après-midi, à partir de 16h,
à l librairie LA RESERVE A BULLES,
à La Plaine, rue des 3 frères Barthélémy,
en compagnie de Jérome JOUVRAY.

Et demain, samedi,
au festival de Plan de Cuques,
à partir de 14h!

Publié dans Dédicaces

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where small-caps are not available), and eventually that turns into capitals even when small-caps are available (the same thing happened with the operating system often (mis)written “UNIX” — it’s supposed to be “Unix” with “nix” in small-caps, or perhaps all in small-caps), but I’d generally go with lower-case when you don’t have small-caps.